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Virgin Atlantic Learns That The Best Way To Save Fuel Is To Ask Its Pilots

How do you make significant fuel savings in kerosene-guzzling jet airliners? The easiest way is to just tell the pilots to take their feet off the pedal, and ease up on the jet fuel a little. ( 기타...

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nanoamp 2
Poor editing in the aviationsquad article, headlining with the justification rather than the outcome of the research. If you read past the first paragraph, it does at least recognise that it was about comparing the effectiveness of different incentives for pilots (which is of commercial and psychological interest), and not the techniques of *how* to save fuel. It's an opportunity missed that it doesn't give any deeper reading of the actual results.

I guess it's understandable, if disappointing, when people here deride the original study as lazy research, when their comments suggest that they haven't looked at the source paper.
wow what an idea...
altawood 1
Oh, those ground-breaking-forward-thinking Brits are at it again... I retired in 2007 and had been tracking my under/over-burn for each leg of a rotation, for at least 10 years and we had been using single-engine taxi when practical, limiting APU use and limiting fuel load all that time.
Next we'll be hearing about some new fancy technology that permits people to make phone calls from the internet!

Oh, no, that's really nice of you Altawood, but we Brits shouldn't claim all the credit.
If you managed to read down as far as line 4 you'll see the research was by the University of Chicago as well.
A little detail, but rather key to your comment.....
altawood 1
A fair criticism, but can I point out that it was Virgin Atlantic and the London School of Economics, so two out of three carries the day!

I do think I picked on VA to harshly when the real culprit was the academics who deserved the toasting! I have to imagine that VA has had a fuel conservation program for years. Certainly the rest of the world has been practising it with the high cost of fuel.
Certainly, particularly if one Richard Branson was involved.
To be fair to all involved, the research was of that increasingly frequent form on both sides of the Pond where something that is blindingly obvious is studied and then dressed up as ground-breaking new information.
It may make academic careers and ensure funding, but it gives real research a bad name by association.


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