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Blaine and the Plane, the best MH370 article for many months

If you only read one MH370 story a month, this has to be the one ( 기타...

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Mere supposition. When the FACTS come out, then print a story. And the facts will not come out til the event recorders are found. Til then, stories like this is a guess. Why waste peoples time.
linbb 3
They feel the need to post and for many that do these posts they do the same on other sites and know little about what the blog is really for.

They are nothing more than trolls same for the constant Airbus posts and anytime a Boing AC has fly crap on the wind screen they have to post it. But an AB can have the same problems but yet never a sound from them

2nd hand writeup about an article in different medium. Here is the source.


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