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Is the Airbus A380 the World's Safest Plane?

Everyone knows the Airbus A380. The aircraft is a true icon, an engineering marvel no matter how many times you see or fly on it. Unfortunately, the age of four-engined aircraft is quickly fading, and various airlines have scrapped the aircraft or announced plans to phase out their Airbus A380s. ( 기타...

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I can't say if it is the safest but the Emirates 380 top deck (business class) cocktail bar is pretty damn good.
Bayouflier 6
Ah one more attempt at journalism from our favorite source of AV news, aeroxplorer. That 7th grade staff is at it again, posing another question that has no answer, which is why he didn't answer it. Rubbish.
I don't know about "safest" but in my opinion the A380 is a contender for the world's _ugliest_ plane :)
It's beautiful on the inside :-).
Geoff Rowe 1
But maybe one of the most comfortable in any class?
dba74m 1
so far, perhaps.
linbb 0
Oh wow another worthless post from a troll.


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