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Delta is Giving Away Free Flights to the Paris Olympics. Here's How to Enter

As airlines around the world gear up to ferry passengers to the 2024 Paris Olympics, one airline is holding sweepstakes for one lucky person to win a free ticket to Paris. ( 기타...

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#DeltaVacationsSweepstakes. WE had to spend Christmas in London during a freak snowstorm that actually closed down Heathrow! It was glorious! 3 feet of snow in London on Christmas day and totally unexpected. Ever see Big Ben with snow all over it? Delta flew us home Christmas night and we slept the whole way. I say we because accompanying me was Ms. Susan Eisele.
Good grief, why not make it Business Class for all that effort? I don't mean to (edit: urinate) on their parade, but Main Cabin kinda takes the "grand" out of Grand Prize lol.
Thank you Delta for the friendly & cozy flight you always provide me! I just turned 70 & never thought. I’d have a chance at going to Paris! Please add me to your drawing & Thank you!✈️
Does anybody even want to go? Paris is a wreck.
I have been multiple times over the years but the last time in 2017 was a holiday visit by car and we booked 3 days there - that was MORE than enough - what a mess it has become - all due to refugees and illegal immigrants - take note USA. When you import the people, you import the culture.
Greer Kemp 1
Oh great... and let me guess... Second prize is TWO tickets?


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