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Another final departure: Gene Cernan, 1/16/2017

Legacy astronaut, and one of only 12 who walked on the moon, Gene Cernan passed today. Another of the brave and honorable men that represented the early American space effort. Our collective condolences, and may he Rest in peace. ( 기타...

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American hero in every sense.
I sure like that fact he scribed his daughter's initials on the moon's surface. That's got to be one for her to remember for a long time! Fantastic.
Class Act...RIP Sir
i met him once while working at the airport..a lovely gentleman..may he rest in peace along with the other departed heroes we have known...
bbabis 3
Pure American Class. Rest in Peace and Godspeed Sir.
"Prepare for the unknown, unexpected and inconceivable . . . after 50 years of flying I'm still learning every time I fly." - Gene Cernan
The last of 12 men with cherished roles, but one of the foremost in his understanding of why we need to get back on the moon, in order to move further. Leaving his daughters initials in the lunar dust was a class "daddy thing" to do.
Thanks, Gene.
Got to listen to him talk and had the opportunity to shake his hand afterwards after he was a keynote back when I was in school a few years ago. Really classy guy. RIP.
She-it. One of the gud ole boyz, if there ever was one. DO NOT miss his 2016 movie on BluRay, "Last Man on the Moon". It's an auto biographical look at him and his life. They don't git any better. RIP brother.
MSReed 2
Sad to lose him, so glad to have had him in our world.
God's speed Gene

One of my childhood heroes and inspirations.
Condolences from across the Pond.

Thank you for your contribution to mankind RIP
Perhaps his last flight? He was flying a Cessna 421, N8WB.
TWA55 1
Wonderful and exciting years and one of many brave men who led the way, and gave the United States one of it's greatest achievements and shown the world what man is capable of, RIP


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