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Newly-confident Malaysia Airlines eyes Airbus A330neo, Boeing 787 order

Malaysia Airlines is looking to order as many as 30 new Airbus A330neo or Boeing 787 jets, following the arrival of its A350s from late 2017 to mid-2018, with the leas of up to a dozen used Airbus A330s or Boeing 777s to fill the gap... ( 기타...

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One would think that MH would be mandated to subscribe to ACARS! Anybody wonder the 406 hz ELT's never activated on MH370. There would have to be at least one in every life raft and the one in the tail activated by impact or contact with water? Maybe I missed the explanation somewhere.

linbb 1
Could be it was in too many pieces to do so ho hum probably never will be found and one day people will quit trying to speculate as to what happened.


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