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TSA Grabs Union Contract

When Congress decided to take over airport security, it was never about safety. That became clear on Friday when Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners formally agreed to a contract that will add 45,000 dues-paying members to the ranks of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). ( 기타...

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flynavy001 3
Why is this crap even in on FlightAware?

The author, and I use the term loosely, seems to be reading from a Rush Limbaugh script. The election is over so perhaps it is time to drop the political slant.

That the TSA has adopted a union contract is newsworthy, however this article is more about spin than news.
While I'm not even close to being a TSA fan, I can't believe this highly opinionated article is being put forward a d legitimate factual news... So many factual errors and opinions purporting to be facts.
BC Hadley 0
I'm not trying to be argumentative, honestly, but can you cite the errors you found?
joel wiley 3
How about starting with the first two sentences? The headline sounds like a contract peacefully walking down the street got mugged by the TSA. The source is the Washington Times, the publication of the honorable and late Rev Sun Myung Moon. The paper is not best known for unbiased reporting and high journalistic ethics.
sparkie624 1
TSA - "Totally Stupid Agency"... They do too much where they are not needed, and not enough where they are. they are not designed to protect us, just to be visible.
I hope they go on strike.
Oh, for crying out loud people, this is the Washington TIMES.... a newspaper that is about as fair and reasonable as Fox News. It was founded and operated by Rev. Sun Mung Moon for most of its existence. It is highly opinionated and highly conservative. Take it for what it is and move on.
qwertykal 0
And who do you think is unbiased? Say CNN and I'll be laughing all the way down the street.
hhunton 1
"Forced to pay dues?", joining and paying dues is voluntary. Union dues , by law, cannot be used for lobbying either, this is what PAC's are created for. Sending money to a PAC is voluntary also.

Surprise, surprise...


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