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Amazon Prime Air Commercial

Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear fame explains how Amazon plans to deliver packages to customers in 30 minutes or less utilizing drones. ( 기타...

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royalbfh 3
I would only use the service because Jeremy Clarkson is on of my favorite celebs!!

Muchits 1
They still aren't addressing separation of UAS vehicles and aircraft landing at airports. Not to mention, helicopters landing offsite, lighter than air vehicles, and float planes around lakes at low altitudes.
onceastudentpilot you are telling me that if a farmer is in the middle of KS; he can expect a delivery in 30 mins or less.....I would like to see a map of their distribution network.
Their fulfillment centers are spread out as such that a major geographic area cannot get 30 minute service.

A map is located here: Kansas for example has a center, but I doubt they stock everything that say Lexington or Seattle does.

Most of everything I order from Amazon comes out of Lexington, KY. Most of those shipments must pass the Center in Joliet, IL enroute to Iowa via UPS. This means farmers in Iowa will never see drones either.
I say that because I work for a major retailer and we can't even guarantee that kind of service to a store that is 6 miles down the road let alone recieve the order, pick the order, and box the order...To the point that you made about other centers having to ship the order reigns true as well...There is no way possible that can stock every item that the average customer may want.
Actually, Kansas sounds like a good place for them to fly. They are going to make great targets for rock throwing kids to lazer pointing junkies.
And anyone with a rifle or shot gun......"pull"


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