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Exclusive and Onboard: The Last U.S. Operated Boeing 747-200 Soars Into Retirement

On April 21, 2017, a very quiet but very special retirement flight took place out of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). Kalitta Air retired its final operating Boeing 747-200, officially flying the last flight of a “Classic” 747 by a U.S. Part 121 airline. Airways Magazine correspondent and reporter Cody Diamond was onboard the flight deck for the final flight. ( 기타...

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yatesd 2
Though these may be last of the 200s operated by part 121 carriers, I would point out that both of the Air Force's VC-25s are 747-200B's as are the E-4s.

Outstanding account of the final flight, as well as a well thought-out tribute. The B742 may take her place alongside the DC-8, L-1011, 727, and all of the other freighters that have come before her. PFE Pruitt can enjoy a well deserved retirement!


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