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Amazing Video of DC-3T recovery after Antarctica accident

Posted on YouTube on March 16 2014 is the video of the recovery of ALCI Basler BT-67 (Converted Turbine DC-3) after an accident in Antarctica. Accident info; A Kenn Borek Basler BT-67 (modified DC-3), registration C-GEAI performing a tour flight from Holtanna Peak to Novolazarevskaya Station (Antarctica) with 15 passengers and 2 crew, was accelerating for takeoff from the unprepared glacier surface at coordinates S71.921667 E8.298333, when the aircraft contacted a snow drift and became airborne… ( 기타...

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That's an awesome story! Glad to see Lidia fixed up and back where she belongs.

biz jets 1
Here's a video from the sister ship's accident in 2009 - and recovery;


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