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JetBlue and Cape Air partner with Bridgewater State University to establish a pilot pipeline

JetBlue Airways (New York) and Cape Air (Hyannis) recently announced a new partnership with Bridgewater State University (BSU). BSU is the newest addition to JetBlue’s University Gateway Program, a pilot talent pipeline which partners with top university aviation programs and regional airlines such as Cape Air. BSU is the airline’s first school alliance in its Boston focus city. JetBlue’s University Gateway Program is a career-planning and mentoring initiative designed to identify and recruit… ( 기타...

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WtfWtf 1
Cape air pays literally 9 bux an hour.. And that's flight hours.. So 9 grand a year BEFORE TAX after spending what a house costs on training and college? Shove it directly up your ass.
Cape Air pays duty hour
WtfWtf 0
Oh OK.. So 18 grand a year? Replace that number from my original comment and keep every other word the same.
Thanks lol.

mboette 1
Please let me know where someone with 1000 hours can make more money.
WtfWtf 0
At a job as a Software Developer. All for less than half the time and money investment too.
mboette 1
Not everyone wants to be a software developer, and not everyone is motivated solely by money.
WtfWtf 1
I'm not motivated by money either.. I'm a private pilot - MEL..(training for Commercial/Instrument.. almost there) obviously because I love to fly. But my real motivation is BEING ABLE TO EAT AND KEEP A ROOF OVER MY HEAD. It's literally impossible to do that on any regional salary, with a 100k loan.. It just doesn't even come close to adding up. Believe me, I'd rather be flying, but until it pays a living wage, I'll keep my dayjob and instruct on the weekends for fun.
If more people did what I did (and they are), their pool will dry up and they will be forced to either raise ticket prices and improve working conditions, or go under.
mboette 1
I guess time will tell.


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