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Cathay Pacific readies 'brand refresh’

Cathay Pacific will unveil a 'brand refresh' in mid-November which will see Cathay positioned as a premium travel experience which extends beyond the airline itself. ( 기타...

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Cathay Pacific reveals new brand

Cathay Pacific has lifted the covers on a refreshed brand which the airline describes as "a cleaner, crisper, more contemporary identity" which will "help passengers travel well." Both the logotype and 'brushwing' brandmark have been refined and simplified.
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Cathay Pacific reveals plans for Airbus A350's business & first class

Cathay Pacific says its Airbus A350 business class, to be designed by Porsche Group, will be an 'evolution' of the current design, while only half of the A350-1000 fleet is likely to be fitted with the new first class suites.
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First photos: Cathay Pacific reveals streamlined new logo, lounge design

Cathay Pacific has lifted the covers on a refreshed brand which the airline describes as "a cleaner, crisper, more contemporary identity."


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