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FAA declares war on GA

FAA employee ASI James Tupper an A&P and former IA filed a sworn affidavit with the NTSB claiming that the only way a repair station can return a part to service is on a work order. His affidavit claims that is what the regulations and advisory circulars state. He selectively ignored most of the wording in FAR 43 appendix B and AC 43-9C which he relied on. If the NTSB accepts his false arguments as fact then almost every pilot and mechanic faces certificate action for flying un-airworthy… ( 기타...

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linbb 1
So why are you posting on here about it seems you need to get a lawyer to take care of the problem. Seems that the item needed another type of inspection which was not done.

The item was properly and fully inspected and returned to service by a reputable company. You missed the point. Parts are returned to service by yellow tags, 8130-3, log entries etc. per the FARs.
Tupper/FAA position is that only work orders can return parts to service which is contrary to the FARs and 60+ years of Industry and FAA practice. His position makes almost every pilot and mechanic guilty of flying illegally or guilty of making false entries returning aircraft to service.
Good luck finding an airplane that is legal to fly if the NTSB accepts this new FAA position.


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