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Bees Attack Quadcopter In Florida

The television producer operating the quadcopter in West Palm Beach, FL, said it looked a little bit like a scene from Star Wars. While flying a small drone to get overhead images of a mall being demolished, the aircraft was beset by a swarm of bees. ( 기타...

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Bees are very pheremone sensitive. This could be a case of the bees detecting the operator's residual pheremones on the 'copter and using them to locate the operator. Interestingly there are experiments with fitting pheremone detectors to enable tracking individuals. It seems nature got there first.

Toby Sharp 1
It's either her or the Germans
Toby Sharp 2
Ha! Good Times. Like when the dog was chasing your while you were riding your bike as a couldn't stop laughing as you were pedaling as fast as possible


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