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Cheers! Spirit Airlines Serving Wine…In Cans

This is one of those moves that is sure to generate a few chuckles. The folks at Spirit Airlines, a low-cost airline known for extra fees that include charging passengers $100 for a carry-on bag, is now taking wine service to a new level in the sky. The airline is serving wine... in a can. ( 기타...

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Wine in a can is only 1 notch better than in a box..
I wouldn't fly Spirit airlines if they served wine in a glass slipper.

josh homer 0
I'm sure Billy Bo Bob Joe Jerry Jackson Jr from Rottencrotch Alabama would love that!
<Takes sip from can> "Yeee dawgie! That's a fiiiine vintage right chere! Must be Frainch!"
Billy Bo wouldn't be flying, he'd be in his F150 with a can of Bud...
josh homer 1
Hahaha.....true. I'm a redneck Texan but I'm a Shiner and Lone Star guy myself.


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