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Bombardier delays first flight of CSeries plane

Bombardier has delayed again the first test flight of its much-touted CSeries single-aisle airliner. ( 기타...

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Correct me if im wrong , but it feels this A/C is to compete with the A320 NEO ?
sparkie624 1
I don't think so... I think it is mroe targeted to the Embrae 170/175 class.
Paul Smith 2
"This new CSeries jet, which offers 110-seat and 135-seat versions, competes with the Boeing 737 Next Generation 737-600, 737-700, Airbus A318, Airbus A319, and Embraer 195. Bombardier claims the CSeries will burn 20% less fuel per trip than these competitors."
sparkie624 3
I did not realize they were getting this big... Be interesting to see how comfortable the cabin is going to be. Will have to do more research on it.
8900rpm 1
looks like it will be comfortable, depending on seat pitch...
copy that , thanks
Paul Smith 1
It kinda is supposed to be something to bridge between the E190 and A319/B737 (in a normal config) in a dense config it competes more with the A319/B737 and its cheaper to operate.
Feed months delay, that's nothign in this industry...
Way to go Bombardier! :-)

sparkie624 2
I would rather them do this now than to ground them later for problems, or a giant BOO BOO..
Anyone ever recall one of these things being on time? Why they even give a day/month is silly, Just like my wife before we go out for nice dinner "I'll be ready when I'm ready"!!!!
I big bombardier fan and think this plane gonna be very successful.
sparkie624 3
It is a target deadline... trouble is... Many don't hit the Target....

I also want to see this plane out there.. It is going to be a good one, but I also would like to see them get as many bugs out of them now, so I don't have too... :)
With no target date it would NEVER arrive at completion. Due to the length of time from design to completion, many new things comeout, technology & FAA laws, yada yada
Dont want another 87
sparkie624 4
Want many more 87's..... Just with the bugs removed before leaving the factory... I think people are being too hard on Boeing. Keep in mind the 747 had a lot of problems with the forward Cargo Door coming open, and took 3 mods to get them all fixed and so did airbus had a lot of start up issues... By today's standards we have every moron standing on a street corner with a cell phone trying to be a national reporter and "KNOW IT ALLs". Today is a new world with so many people with smart phones that they themselves cannot utilize common sense anymore.
i agree i really do

[This poster has been suspended.]

Bilbie -2
BUzz OFf LIna and make some relevant posts elsewhere
sparkie624 4
Roy.. You must be on drugs today... I know you have only been around for 3 months, but geez... Think about what you are saying before you say it. Apparently you have not been around the industry too long, and 90 days on FA (flightaware) does not make you an expert.
Bilbie 1
Sure my post looks bad, heck, it was actually in response to a scammers post from someone named LIma, (spelt that way) about how much money the wife of her ex-husband makes etc,.... pretty relevant huh?
Bilbie 1
Apologies, I should add that LIna's post was obviously moderated (removed) after it was made
sparkie624 2
Apology Accepted... I have reported a lot of those spammers... However, I never reply to them... I report them to Flightaware and they are usually removed in under an hour or so. Good FA staff here.
Bilbie 1
Thank you, yes FA staff are very good


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