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AP Exclusive: Ferguson no-fly zone aimed at media

The U.S. government agreed to a police request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson, Missouri, for 12 days in August for safety, but audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests. ( 기타...

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Were the first amendment still addressing the issues of a fair and objective media, then I would say their rights should be unabridged. However, the current trend of media bias and spin are quite well known and thus their immunity from interference and unfettered access is completely understood by an objective observer. The road to a lesser democracy is already many miles and deeds in the rearview mirror. The culprits are many, and many congregate in D.C. Tomorrow would be a good day to do something about that part of it!

Amen Brother!
If you don't vote, you have no right to b***ch.
dbaker 3
This is the same kind of TFR abuse that is over Disneyland, Disneyworld, sports stadiums, etc. In those cases, it's designed to eliminate banner towing.
It's pretty bad that on an aviation specific website, commenters don't even bother to consider the aviation related aspects of a story! The center of the city of Ferguson lies about 1.5 miles from the ends of Lambert-St. Louis International Airport's two busiest runways. The southern city limit passes right under the extended centerline of 30R, about 1.6 miles from the touchdown point, 1.2 miles from the threshold. 30L is only a short distance farther south. Since the prevailing wind is from the west, 30R and 30L are often the approach runways. Where the Ferguson city limit intersects the 30R centerline, the published 3 degree glide slope is only about 450 feet AGL.

Would you want to be landing an airliner with an uncontrolled gaggle of helicopters, some of which might, according to a pilot report, be receiving small arms fire from the ground, less than a mile from short final?

I think a TFR was a mighty wise move!
Word was a few weeks back in the thick of things, that Lamberts stuff was doing a 90 right or left to keep from getting shot at. If the choppers were violating Class B airspace, then their pilots ought to be hauled in as well.
preacher1, I don't think clearance is really the issue. The question is about system capability. Could the system, relying on visual separation of the choppers from each other and from the very nearby airliners on short final, be reliable in a dynamic, possibly chaotic situation? History strongly suggests the answer is no. The controllers could have taken it upon themselves, simply denying clearance, but then they would have been in the political gun-sights. Their bosses correctly saw that this was a management level decision and took it out of the controllers' concerns. Sometimes the bosses make a good decision and we should applaud them when they do.
I can agree it's a place for an accident to happen. Even if they don't violate the "B", it mat be a little close for comfort.
Left or right on takeoff, Idk about approach. That sounds like fun. I haven't seen the TFR. It doesn't bother Lambert does it.?
linbb 0
If they had kept the press out of the entire affair there probably would have been less violence as then there would have been no audience.
In this age of go-pro cams, cellphones, twitter, and youtube there will always be an audience. There is the question of which news distorter do you prefer.
Falconus 2
Boyd Butler, your logic never ceases to amaze. In the real world, a problem doesn't always go away when you ignore it. But while we are on the subject of repealing the First Amendment, it would make it possible to ban you from inflicting your brilliant ideas on us. Maybe not all bad.
It's not Boyd's logic. He speaks the truth whether you choose to accept reality or not. I can accept the fact that the public has a right to know. That said, whether Ferguson or any other situation, any time you have an outside entity stirring the pot, it is going to get a little bit hotter and Ferguson has been stirred and outright agitated. They were tell me that a lot of Lamberts stuff was doing a 90 to one side or other to dodge that area as they didn't want to take a chance on getting shot at. Those people are playing to the media. Michael Brown was a thug and those folks can't accept the fact that he wasn't a sweet little boy anymore, or else they want the rest of us to believe he was. Darren Wilson was just doing his job. I hate to see anybody die, but if an officer is assaulted, he must defend himself. They are wanting to convict/punish officer Wilson before all the evidence is in and they are afraid they aren't going to get their way. Even if cleared though, if I were officer Wilson, I'd leave as somebody will try him again.
And to boot, it's simply amazing when Sharpton, Holder and Jackson all make an entrance and talk about a travesty, yet none of them have raised an eyelid to the happenings in Chicago.
Maybe a TFR (Temp Flapping gum Restriction) for those three might have reduced some of the violence as well.
I like your definition of TFR. LOL
linbb 1
Preacher1, reading what you write about items here, I respect your views whither they line up with mine or not. On this and other items you write because you have been there and done that, AC matters first hand. Thank you very much.
linbb 1
Its too bad that you consider its your way or the highway on things. You need to open your mind and look at what transpired there. It was partly fueled by media being there for there short piece of fame on camera. This is the real world for more than you think. Its too bad by using my name like you did as it smacks of talking down to someone.
And this is not a black/white issue although there are those that would try and have us believe such. The media is playing on that and trying to stir it up rather than let grown folks work things out. There is a radical group always present in any situation that goes out of control and this is what the media keeps stirring to cast the idea of a race war brewing.


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