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WWII P-38 Fighter Pilot Fulfills Vow Made 70 Years Ago to Honor Comarades

Fredric Arnold entered combat with 13 other P-38 fighter pilots more than 70 years ago. Only he and one other survived combat. The two survivors vowed to honor their comrades. Over the last seven years, he sculpted 12 life-size bronze figures as a monument to the more than 88,000 Airmen killed in WWII. The monument depicts a mission briefing scene. A squadron leader addresses six airmen prior to the mission. Five more are shown in a lighter color representing spirits of those already killed. All… ( 기타...

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bbabis 4
Marc, Your father truly represents the "Greatest Generation." Thank you for bringing his story to light. And, thank you Maj. Arnold for your service and the sculpture honoring the sacrifice of your brethren who gave all.
Boy, that's pretty special!
An amazing tribute. Anyone visiting Denver should see this monument in person.

If only all Americans these days understood the sacrifice that these men have made to keep out country and its citizens free. Parents need to sit down and teach their children what others have sacrificed so they can be so spoiled and entitled today....
Look no further than your nearest school. 1st Amendment rights are being taught by throwing our flag on the ground and stepping on it.
jbqwik 2
As a "boomer" I am so proud of my father's generation. Mr. Arnolds artfully and beautifully created masterpiece ties-in my recent visit with my 97 year old aunt, and the special memories we shared over several days. I know I will never forget the sacrifice my family and all the others made in those harrowing times. Thanks to the poster for this article, and to Fredric Arnold for his "promise".
One of my favorite Books in my aviation library, Great Job Cohen! You'll have to read the book to understand why i used the name Cohen!
Luckily, I live just outside of Longmont, so I am planning on going to Wings soon. I used to volunteer there, so I can't wait to see the new memorial. Is Mr. Arnold's book available at Wings also?
Yes, the book is available in the gift shop.
chalet 1
Everything is simply beautiful, the memories, the thoughts and the sculpture.
I was lucky enough to meet Fredrick Arnold at Oshkosh in 1992. He autographed his book for me, which I felt quite honored. Thank you for your service and for remembering and honoring your comrades. Well done "KOHN"!
Marc: Will there be miniatures cast?
Excellent story. Just found and ordered a Kindle version of Mr. Arnold's book.


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