Share your Radarcape ADS-B Data on FlightAware!

Radarcape is a standalone ADS-B receiver that can receive live Mode S data from aircraft and provide it via a web interface or data feeds. Radarcape users can simultaneously use their Radarcape device while sending flight data to FlightAware. Users that share data with FlightAware automatically qualify for a free upgrade to an Enterprise Account.


Sharing your data via Radarcape is easy:

  1. You must be on the Radarcape Major 2 software (older versions are not supported).
  2. Follow the Radarcape Major 2 Feeder Installation instructions for "FlightAware Feeder."
  3. Within 15 minutes, your receiver will show up on the statistics and coverage pages.
  4. Note: Radarcapes run the PiAware data feeder software, so your receiver will be identified as a PiAware site when viewing it on the FlightAware web site.

Related Links

Radarcape Setup & Support

Questions? Contact FlightAware for help.


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