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BOEING 777-300 — - Air New Zealand has revealed the worlds largest commercially operated aircraft to be painted completely black.  World Champion All Blacks rugby players Kieran Read and Andy Ellis ceremonially led the one-of-a-kind Boeing 777-300ER aircraft out of Boeings paint hangar facility in Seattle on Friday night 16th December (US West Coast Time), highlighting Air New Zealands long-time sponsorship of the recently crowned World Champion All Blacks rugby team.
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BOEING 777-300 —


Air New Zealand has revealed the world's largest commercially operated aircraft to be painted completely black. World Champion All Blacks rugby players Kieran Read and Andy Ellis ceremonially led the one-of-a-kind Boeing 777-300ER aircraft out of Boeing's paint hangar facility in Seattle on Friday night 16th December (US West Coast Time), highlighting Air New Zealand's long-time sponsorship of the recently crowned World Champion All Blacks rugby team.


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Mike Rsx
Wow ! Superb Quality Image of a beautiful aircraft Daniel. Congrats !
Great Shot Daniel.
Kevin Haiduk
That looks good. Especially at night. I bet it gets dirty quick though :-)


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