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HB-RSC — - The Breitling Super Constellation lifts off at Farnborough 2014
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The Breitling Super Constellation lifts off at Farnborough 2014


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Allan Hickman
What a lovely looking aircraft.
Ronald Mullen
Is he taking off on the grass? Oh for the days when flying was fun and an adventure.
Steve Emery
Yeah, I agree the runway is a trifle short but look how wide it is!!!
Pablo Levin
I flown this plane in 1951, from Johannesburg to Tel Aviv.
The company was TWA and for that time the aircraft was fantastic!!
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
I'm sure there's a lot of people here who would love to read about that Pablo, me included!
Ira Hargis
I flew on Super G's from Seattle to Anchorage and back on Pacific Northern Airways. Did this several times in the early-mid 50's. Loved flying on the plane, very quiet and trustworthy. Flying on the plane was very enjoyable.
Ira Hargis
I flew the Super G from Seattle to Anchorage and back several times in the early-mid 50s. A beautiful, quiet aircraft used by Pacific Norther Airlines. Loved flying on the Super G.
A plane so nice you commented twice!
It´s a fantastic plane, very good shot!
Nice 'water colour' add-on!
Mike Rsx
I suspect thousands of spectators captured this aircraft on the day but few could match the quality of this stunning shot of this much loved iconic aircraft.
This photo has received much acclaim on FA,and rightly so.
Thanks for posting this beauty Mark. Top drawer stuff.
They dont come much better than this.
5*, No Hesitation.
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Thank you for the kind comments Mike!
I would like to know if you have any problems with me, since I see that all the photos that I upload are stolen according to your comments. If you both bothered what I do please just do not enter my photos. I would thank you from the heart.
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