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Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe (N4037S)
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Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe (N4037S)



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Looks like a giant flying insect named Sikorsky
Jim Quinn
Where are the fuel tanks? It looks to me that they couldn't have much endurance unless the whole aircraft is one big fuel tank!
"Two fuel tanks in fuselage, forward and aft of transmission, each with capacity of 1,664 litres. Total standard fuel capacity 3,328 litres. Provision for auxiliary fuel tank of 1,664 litres capacity, raising total fuel capacity to 4,992 litres."

Originally CH-54 (ARMY), now S64E.
David Hasse
So where does it land to pick up its engine? Big hole there.
I saw my first CH-54 in 1969 down at NAS Kingsville, TX where it was sent to retrieve a TF-9J Cougar that had crashed south of the base on the King Ranch. I was impressed when I saw it bring the plane back, drop it off at the squadron, and fly back to Fort Sill (or wherever it came from).
Per serial Number, early CH-54A, more than likely a Vietnam era aircraft. Siller has several of these.
jean rds
yup a strange looking aircraft
Tarhe was a leader of the Wyandot people in the Ohio Country. His nickname was "The Crane". He fought American expansion into the region until the Northwestern Confederacy was defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794.
Reminds me of the helos that came to U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Base, the day after the evacuation of Saigon (1975), and took the recovered F-5s out to the flight deck of the Enterprise.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N4037S에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 2월 3일 S64Rutherford Co ()Fulton County () 13:36 EST 15:22 EST 1:46
2025년 2월 3일 S64Elkin, NC 근처Rutherford Co () First seen 11:49 EST Last seen 12:40 EST 0:51
2025년 2월 3일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Martinsville, VA 근처 08:40 EST Last seen 10:32 EST 1:52
2025년 2월 2일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 15:09 EST 16:22 EST 1:13
2025년 2월 1일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 15:31 EST 16:43 EST 1:11
2025년 2월 1일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 08:27 EST 09:03 EST 0:36
2025년 1월 30일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 15:48 EST 16:30 EST 0:42
2025년 1월 30일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 09:52 EST 10:34 EST 0:41
2025년 1월 28일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 08:11 EST 08:54 EST 0:43
2025년 1월 27일 S64Leesburg Exec ()Leesburg Exec () 08:13 EST 08:57 EST 0:44
2025년 1월 25일 S64Winchester Rgnl ()Leesburg Exec () 11:19 EST 11:39 EST 0:20
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