24 투표수 (4.29 평균) 및 3,558 조회수  

— — - Aeroporto Villanova d'Albenga, manifestazione aerea. Velivolo autocostruito a forma di gallo, bellissima esibizione molto divertente per i bambini e gli adulti.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Aeroporto Villanova d'Albenga, manifestazione aerea. Velivolo autocostruito a forma di gallo, bellissima esibizione molto divertente per i bambini e gli adulti.


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Ken Oden
Alan Brown
Interesting shape, but does anyone know if it flys?
Dan Brink
Now thats a real Flyin Chicken......... Wonderful
iw1ppbandreaPhoto Uploader
Fly perfectly alone; the show is when it is made the subject of a fake rifle shot with remote control in place of the trigger and after making a sound of pain releases a trail of strips of colored paper that simulate the feathers of the affected cock.
This is a model, not a full-sized aircraft.
iw1ppbandreaPhoto Uploader
Bernie, this is not a model at all, but a real self-built plane (scale 1: 1), the pilot is not in the picture but I assure you that he enters them and if you look well, in the cabin, there is a duck puppet wearing as a cap, at the next air show I will try to make more explicit and convincing photographs.


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