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C-FLYL — - Taken May 16, 2008. Martin Mars water bomber Certification to fight fire in USA.br /Picture taken from my roof top at airport.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체



Taken May 16, 2008. Martin Mars water bomber Certification to fight fire in USA.
Picture taken from my roof top at airport.


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Thumbs up!!!
What an impressive sight ... thanX 4 sharing :-)
ken kemper
Great photo Bill........
It's always amazing to see pictures of the Martin Mars water bombers in action ... I've seen the planes in person, but not while on a mission.
David Seider
I hope that one of the two extant Mars aircraft ends up at the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola - restored and repainted to original specs.
Dave Jones
Considering that the Martin Mars spent relatively a small time as a military aircraft, I think it should stay in its fire fighting colours.

I have been inside and walked on the wings until they started to tip towards the water.

A nice museum should put it inside somewhere!
C.W. Reed
Thinking Pima Air & Space Museum:)!
Mackie Adams
Awesome photo!
a mentor
don't know what the current status is, but the Coulson Martin Mars was for sale now for a few years
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