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— — - USN Blue Angels and USAF Thunderbird Super Delta flyby.
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USN Blue Angels and USAF Thunderbird Super Delta flyby.


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Wings of Gold lead the fray!
Chris Croft
A classic echelon formation. Go Navy
Betty Goss
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE stuff like this!!
ken kemper
Have not seen that !!

Awesome Capture Howard.....5 stars
Fabulous photograph! Thanks.
Where was it taken and When?
john cook
Great shot Howard
I wish I could give this more than 5 stars.
What a fantastic photo of both teams!
ron serafin
Great shot
Sounds of FREEDOM, BABY!!! Beautiful photo!!
howard hardyPhoto Uploader
Thank you for your comments, very much appreciated!
The Super Delta flyby occurred on 02MAR2021 over NAF El Centro (KNJK), the winter home of the Blue Angels. It was at the end of 2 weeks joint training with the Thunderbirds. I was very fortunate to be in position for their single joint flyby.
Nate Tobik
Number 7 of the Blue Angels is in the back.
Awesome photo!
Now that is something you do not see everyday! Wonderful photo!
Gene McAvoy
There is no equal to this one! BZ+! Go Navy!


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