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North American P-51 Mustang (N7TF) - 1944 North American P-51D Mustang N7TF, C/N: 44-73856, also known as "Double Trouble two" with 463684 on the tail
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North American P-51 Mustang (N7TF)


1944 North American P-51D Mustang N7TF, C/N: 44-73856, also known as "Double Trouble two" with 463684 on the tail


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Great picture, thank you very much. It is amazing to think that aircraft was designed by engineers using data tables, slide rules and pencil & paper. Such artistry, but with performance!
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
David Mortimer: Thank you David and amazing indeed, you bring up an excellent point. Well said!
Chris Croft
I don't think it would be an over statement to say that the P-51 Mustang is an aeronautical masterpiece. Good show Dave!
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
iffmode4: Thank you and indeed, an aeronautical masterpiece!
serge LOTH
Super picture of a legend!!5*
What a nice catch, thanks for sharing, amazing.
Muy buena fotografia.
Spectacular photo! Kept the shutter speed relatively slow, to get the nice blur of the prop and the trees from panning. Beautifully done!
David Mursch
My Dad, in the 50's used to complain about the teens of his day hot-rodding about.That was until Mother reminded him that in his youth he was hot-rodding about the country in a Mustang before going off to China. He recounted how he flew from India to China in a brand new Mustang, thinking this was the way to go to war. Immediately upon arrival at his new base, the squadron commander appropriated his new Mustang and he was left to begin the war in an old P-40. Quite a let down and a lesson in military politics as well.
Bill Butler
Well, now, this dredges up an old memory of Godman Army Air Force base in Fort Knox, Ky. I was (maybe) 9 at the time, standing in from of our quarters. Godman was across the highway. I would see all manner of planes, including a B-36 overflying the Post. On this morning a P-51 was just airborne. Shortly after the gear came up, 5 rounds of what ever she had went off. Dad figured they could have landed near Louisville!
Bill Butler
Well, now, this dredges up an old memory of Godman Army Air Force base in Fort Knox, Ky. I was (maybe) 9 at the time, standing in from of our quarters. Godman was across the highway. I would see all manner of planes, including a B-36 overflying the Post. On this morning a P-51 was just airborne. Shortly after the gear came up, 5 rounds of what ever she had went off. Dad figured they could have landed near Louisville!
Bill Butler
Oops. Sorry about the double post!
Doug Fehmel
That P-51 is home ported at the Military Aviation Museum, here in Virginia Beach. The owner, Gerald Yagen, took my dad, who was 93 at the time, on a rare flight around the area. My dad was a docent there, until he passed away the following year at 94. Was a great day for us, as the P-51 was my dad's favorite airplane.
Love the P-51 :-) Great shot !
David - And the whole process took only 120 days!
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
Serge Loth: Thank you Dave!
A.Levent Bekdik: My pleasure, I appreciate your visit and kind words
Francisco Rivero: Gracias y felices saludos desde Canada.
Frank Theriault: I really appreciate your comment, thank you Frank!
David Mursch: What a wonderful family story/memory. I love to read personal experiences like that and what amazing adventures your father experienced. Very cool... and your mother too, keeping him in check! And lol... "an old P-40'. Don't let the Warhawk lovers hear that!
Bill Butler: Such an incredible memory... lovely picture you have painted in my head. Thank you for sharing that. What a sight for a kid of any age to witness, thank you Bill!
Doug Fehmel: Wow, another awesome dad story/memory. These are really hitting the spot as a few days ago (March 2) marked the 7th anniversary of my father's passing. I still miss him dearly but reading these comments and the memories you, and others, have shared is quite heart warming. Doug, thank you for your comment. Nice to know many of us share not only a love for aviation but for our fathers as well.
Stephen Jensen: Me too, thank you Stephen!
av8rdav: Designed and built in 120 days... don't tell my wife that, it's been over 120 days and I'm still not finished our kitchen renos! David Mortimer's fault for bringing this up in the first place :0)
We joined Dad in Seoul in 1947 when I was seven years old. Army dependent housing was on top of a hill, and one day I heard a beautiful roar, looked up and four or five Mustangs flew right over me, so close that I felt I c Ould touch them. It's been my favorite plane for all these (74) years since then. I think it is the most beautiful airplane ever built. Thank you for the picture.
jesse kyzer
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
Robert Boston: Thank you for sharing that awesome memory, Robert! Incredible how such an experience at the age of 7 has stayed so vivid after all these years. Pretty cool that you were able to join your Dad in Seoul in 1947. My dad had a posting in Tanzania but unfortunately, the rest of our family had to wait in Ottawa. I was eight years old :0)
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
Jesse Kyzer: Wow, thank you for sharing that link, Jesse... fascinating history and photos. It sure brings even more appreciation for these vintage beauties when we are informed of their earlier adventures.
ken kemper
Awesome Mustang Photo Dave.............

Well Done
Dave CarnahanPhoto Uploader
Ken Kemper: Thank you Ken
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