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Boeing Dreamlifter (N780BA) - GTI4151 rolling out on Rwy 16R after landing to complete a flight from NGO on 1.23.18. (ln 778 / cn 24310).  Heavy rain was over the airfield when it arrived. Why on earth would a plane spotter be out in this weather?  Crazy!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing Dreamlifter (N780BA)


GTI4151 rolling out on Rwy 16R after landing to complete a flight from NGO on 1.23.18. (ln 778 / cn 24310). Heavy rain was over the airfield when it arrived. Why on earth would a plane spotter be out in this weather? Crazy!


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Hiya, Leland. An outstanding catch!! The click is worth 5 *s, another 5 *s for it being the D Lifter, and still 5 more *s for you being the kind of spotter who is willing to tolerate anything and to go out at anytime to get the capture. I've met several who like to claim they are spotters, but if all the WX conditions and photograph-snapping factors aren't absolutely perfect ... or ... if they can't drive right to the location and sit in their vehicle between planes, they sure aren't interested in spotting. If you ever get down in my area, I'd enjoy meeting you and hosting your visit to do some spotting. (Both Thumbs Up and a Tip of my RNO cap to you).
Thanks Gary! I was out for the QANTAS #VH-ZNC delivery and the Dreamlifter arrived so I couldn't resist a few fotos. I love your fotos and will need to plan a road trip to RNO for some spotting with you.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N780BA에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
날짜 항공기 출발지 행선지 출발 도착 비행시간
2025년 3월 4일 BLCFMc Connell Afb ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 12:12 CST 15:13 EST 2:01
2025년 3월 4일 BLCFCharleston Intl/AFB ()Mc Connell Afb () 08:04 EST 09:35 CST 2:31
2025년 2월 21일 BLCFSnohomish County ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 13:31 PST 20:57 EST 4:26
2025년 2월 21일 BLCFMc Connell Afb ()Snohomish County () 07:07 CST 08:17 PST 3:10
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