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Boeing 727-100 (N7001U) - The first B727 built and now owned by Museum of Flight taxis onto Rwy 16R on 2/22/16.  The aircraft is a B727-22 (ln 1 / cn 18293).
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Boeing 727-100 (N7001U)


The first B727 built and now owned by Museum of Flight taxis onto Rwy 16R on 2/22/16. The aircraft is a B727-22 (ln 1 / cn 18293).


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Outstanding catch and shot!
Jim Metzger
Nice to see it's restoration is complete. Thanks for sharing.
Darryl Sarno
Great photo! Nice to see this classic back in action!
Ryan Carson
Love seeing the first 727 moving around still. Now at CLT we don't have any 727s anymore. Roush Fenway Racing flew theirs out to Willow Run recently.
One of the all time greatest birds in all commercial aviation. Looks great but loose the "Hush Kits" ;)
Max Herr
I got to meet the leader of the crew performing the restoration on this bird while staying at the Best Western in Everett, WA earlier this month. The guys were hard at work from about 7am to 5pm. Looks like they did a great job.
J. Walker
As I gaze at her I reflect back decades to when I flew THAT bird. What a great performer the three holer was! With a VNE of 410 KT as long as you stayed with the competition on climb out, in descent you had a 30KT advantage on the other guys.
Old school
does any body know what time it leave wednesday for it last flight.
Bob Hackney
N7001U had her last flight from KPAE to KBFI on March 2, 2016 at 1000AM. She is now on static display on the apron in front of the Museum of Flight. She will shortly be moved to a new Pavilion along side the #1 747 RA001 and the #1 737-100.
Andy Gong
Nice pic! Loved the old days before all the dragging started!
Tom Vance
Great pic - I used to see this 727 daily from our house above BFI pre 1964...flying and testing the 727 was a great show...wish we had a camera back then.
활동 로그
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