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North American P-51 Mustang (N5528N) - P-51C Thunderbird making a high-speed pass at Airventure 2023
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North American P-51 Mustang (N5528N)


P-51C Thunderbird making a high-speed pass at Airventure 2023


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I feel the need, the need for speed, and you can feel it in this shot! Great Shot Todd!
Todd RoyerPhoto Uploader
Thank you John
Diana Rose
Stellar shot...The Whirrrrr capture!
Tom Glass
Nice shot. Great use of conditions available. Too bad the smoke was an issue early in the week..
ken kemper
Great Photo Todd......
I missed this beauty fly.

Your prop Whirrrr can't be beat.
Alan Brown
Great photo of a beautiful aircraft.
Great shot. Perfect panning on what looks like a relatively slow shutter speed. What was your camera setup (camera, lens/focal length, iso, f-stop, shutter, etc)? Thanks
Absolutely impeccable photography! Well done!
jesse kyzer
Wonderful shot of a gorgeous Bird!
The P-51 is my favorite WWII warbird.
Beautiful capture!
Shutter speed: 1/GoRaiseAFamily =)
Beautiful shot!

Now that's a REAL propeller!!
Todd RoyerPhoto Uploader
Thank you all for the positive comments. The setup for this shot was a Nikon D850 set at ISO 250, f14, shutter speed 1/80, 500mm of zoom handheld pan, and a little bit of luck. Again thank you for the positive comments.
Thanks for sharing this photo Todd. Inspiring on multiple levels.
Veloz , uma verdadeira beleza .

Parabéns pela foto .

Nice looking plane... I always loved the P51's... Both versions of the canapoy!
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