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Boeing 757-200 (N617AM) - 1/13/2008
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing 757-200 (N617AM)




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David R Hume
My favorite to fly, for sure!
A C-130 USAFR buddy and I both strongly agree that one of Boeing's biggest of so many blunders was to cease production of the 757.
Maybe someday they'll return to MBTBA (management by thinking before acting).
The did however conceive and build the 747 & 747SP line.
For that, they are eternally forgiven by this aircraft freak.
Lucky you David Hume!!!!
Ahh, why did American ditch this classic and distinctive livery? One of the best airline liveries of all time, in my opinion.
Great capture; agree on the livery!
Kam Bahrami
RE: the livery change. I also love the old livery however today the aircraft don't have that all aluminum skin so it would need a painted surface to cover the composite portions. Nonetheless I am with you. The modern AA livery is kinda forgettable.
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