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09-0016 — - Air Force One
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09-0016 —


Air Force One


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Koson Verkler wrote ... " Air Force Two taxiing for departure from Reno with Vice President Pence on board. "

@ Mr. Verkler ... This is Air Force One, not AF Two, and it is President Trump who is aboard, not VP Pence. Every TV station in Reno announced Trump's visit for three days, and every station televised his arrival yesterday afternoon. Just an FYI .... The B747 is not "Air Force One" unless the President is aboard it. If the President is on this one, as he was yesterday when he left Vegas and went to Orange County and then came here, then this is Air Force One.
Koson VerklerPhoto Uploader
My apologies Gary, As I do not follow the President or his aircraft religiously and happened to be in Reno yesterday, I assumed this was Pence and AFII.
Mr. Verkler ... When I saw you over on Turbo, I just figured you had been at the airport from midafternoon when it (AF1) arrived until I saw you there (when it left) and that you had come from Tahoe specifically to get pics of it. I assure you that I don't follow ANY politician religiously anymore (way too old to care) but when one of them brings OUR airplane ... it was bought and paid for by us and WE still pay for its fuel, MX, and protection so it is OURS and we just allow them to use it ... then like any aircraft owner who is proud of their plane, I go to click pics of it.
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