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Airbus A350-900 —
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Airbus A350-900 —



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Tires? Who needs tires?
"Water trough testing for the stretched-fuselage A350-1000 version of Airbus’ A350 XWB jetliner were carried out in southern France at the Istres Air Force Base."

Just another Airbus photo found on the web by this guy who is not the photographer, nor was it taken at KJFK.

a mentor
John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

When will Washington DC understand this too??
This pic from 2017 not 2020. https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/news/en/2017/04/the-a350-1000-makes-a-big-splash-during-water-trough-testing.html#media-list-image-image-all_ml_0-5


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