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Boeing 777-200 (EI-ISD)
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Boeing 777-200 (EI-ISD)



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D.J. Harris
That'd be kinda scary the first few times watching a plane come down right over your head.
Wilson Boiago
Keith Stroyde
Fantastic would loved to have been there!
Doug Fehmel
Was there back in June when an Air France A340 landed. I flew out before it took off.
Passengers, rather than on the beach for a spectacular display.
Passengers, rather than on the beach for a spectacular display
John Tod
That is WAY KEWEL!
It looks like one could jump and bump their hear on the landing gear!
Mark Thomas
Whew, that's low! Any pilots on here who have made this approach, love to hear your stories!
Dwight Hartje
Nice shot! The SUV closest to the camera is an Infinite FX-35. If one had one of those big monster truck ,one may not want to drive it on that road!
Been one of those folks under a KLM 747 and an Air France A380.... oh the adrenaline high!! Ready to go back any time!!
c'est trop dangeureux
C'est magnifique, bientôt il y aura quelques pélerins vacanciers qui se feront défriser! Et il porterons plainte contre les Cies aériennes, comme dab! LOL
Luis Zamora
Beautiful photo!...
Beautiful photo!...
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 EI-ISD에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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