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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972) - Doc, a B29 Superfortress sits at the ramp at KGRR
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972)


Doc, a B29 Superfortress sits at the ramp at KGRR


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Beautiful Shot Ryan! Well Done!
Diana Rose
WoW! Beauty Shot!
Dick Beil
#2 has an engine problem. 'Doc' will be in Grand Rapids for awhile. Great picture though.
Great shot!
ken kemper
Lovely photo Ryan..............

I am missing Doc at Oshkosh and Appleton though
ACFTTECH8, They have been having issues with the engine. Decided to stop their tour, send the engine off for full inspection and have the MX team head home to get tools necessary to replace the engine and get them going again. Sad decision but I appreciate the team using a "Preserve at all Cost" approach to maintaining this historic beauty!
Vinny Barbin
The B-29 to me looks like a huge cigar with wings and a tail.
David Seider
@Vinny Barbin
The one cigar that should NEVER smoke!
sal derosa
She is such a beauty just sitting…if she were to never fly again it would be the finest static display anywhere!!
Rick Lawhon
Beautiful! Simply Beautiful.
James Wisely
Beautifully shot and PP !
a mentor
just a gorgeous picture -- WELL DONE!!
Alan Young
I don't know Sal. . . that B-36 Peacemaker at the National Museum of the US Air Force. . .
john cook
Great shot Ryan! 5 of 5
Fantastic shot :-)
Nice picture.
Alan Brown
Great shot of a great airplane. Thank you. 5 stars at least.
Just in the interest of accuracy, the correct serial number of this aircraft is 44-69972, reg. N69972.
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