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Piper PA-20 Pacer (C-GVPO)
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Piper PA-20 Pacer (C-GVPO)



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Diana Rose
Very Cool Shot!
Al Miller
Didn't the original "Tri-pacer" have a tricycle gear?
@ Al Miller, you are right, Tripacers had a nose wheel and was launched in the early 50s. Very nice aircraft indeed, although I must say that those extra large wheels on this PA-22 almost the size you find on 18-wheelers ruin its otherwise beautiful lines.
Jim Isbell
Those wheels have a purpose and that TriPacer can serve that purpose well with them.
A Tri-Pacer no more!! Now it looks serious instead of like a milk stool!!
That is a PA-20 Pacer. The differences between the Pacer and the Tri-Pacer were rather minor after the design differences demanded by the gear differences were considered. Pacer = tail dragger, Tri-Pacer is the trike.
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