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Two classics.
( Sorry, did not catch the N# )


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Looks great on this fine shot. But it means a lot of time and money to keep such jewels running.
Guy Vincent
Stearman/Jones model 75 (N3993Y) VS Ford modelA
James WiselyPhoto Uploader
Guy, thank you for the update.
ken kemper

Wonderful Shot
James WiselyPhoto Uploader
Thank you Ken. It's one of my favorites, along with the taking down of the hot air balloon and the Caravan under the rainbow.
bob reeves
James WiselyPhoto Uploader
Thanks Bob.
is dit een Antonov T2
James WiselyPhoto Uploader
Thomas, as Guy Vincent pointed out, it's a Boeing/Jones Model 75 Stearman.
serge LOTH
Who are the owners.. I hate them !!!5*
James WiselyPhoto Uploader
serge LOTH, yes, but you have to admire their dedication.


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