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Boeing 727-100 (N7072U) - B727 N7072U delivered to United in 1966 landing at CLE with a very new B737-200 - delivered to United in 1968 - taxiing in the foreground
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Boeing 727-100 (N7072U)


B727 N7072U delivered to United in 1966 landing at CLE with a very new B737-200 - delivered to United in 1968 - taxiing in the foreground


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Ken Lane
Bill EdgarPhoto Uploader
Thanks JM32 and Ken Lane...pretty good pic for 13-year old me with Tri-x and my old Canonflex RM camera.
We flew them with 10/95 configuration at CAL.
terry kelsey
You had the gift way back then. Nice composition for a 13 year old.
Doug Zalud
Was that from Brookpark Rd?

Looks awesome.
Doug Fehmel
Very nice photo. What great memories flying on both of those jets.
Amir Begloei
Spectacular!!! Thanks for sharing this classic photograph!
Mitch Warden
Memories! Flew UA 727-100 BOS-ORD-SMF summer 1973. Flew the 727, both variants, numerous times. A true workhorse!
JJ Johnson
oooooooh! Boeing 727! beautiful
Bill EdgarPhoto Uploader
@Doug_Zalud...I think it must have been from right on the fence (back when you could do that) at the east end of that dirt shoulder on Brookpark Road everyone parked on to watch planes. I used to stand on the car seats to get up higher for a photo vantage point...looks like that may be what I did for this shot.
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