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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N19FN)
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Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer (N19FN)



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Ken Mitchell
Definitely not a TRI-Pacer.
Chase FranzenPhoto Uploader
It actually is a Tri Pacer - I'm the owner. :)

It's a PA-22 (tri pacer) that was converted to conventional gear. The conversion doesn't change the fact that it's a PA-22. Some owners/conversions call their plane a "PA22/PA20" to recognize the conversion to a "Pacer." That doesn't change the airworthiness or registration, though - still a Tri Pacer.

I do call myself "Pacer 19FN," though!
serge LOTH
I m surprised to see a Tri PAcer with landing lights... One of my good friends has a PAcer in Vermont..
the owner anyway lost its way .. why on route 66 and not on aproper airfield ?
Love the RUNWAY brilliant.
Al Miller
I would like to hear the story behind the photo.
belle photo, merci!
It’s at Roy’s Motel & Cafe on Route 66 in Amboy, CA. They host an annual fly-in event.
Some pictures here will explain the story. https://visitamboy.com/gallery/
Great shot!💓
I know EXACTLY where this was taken!
Wonderful !!
Donna Yost
Simply beautiful!
hans beator
tolles Foto und eine interessante Geschichte
Great photo! Come on guys, you can STILL get your kicks on Route 66!


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