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Robinson R-44 (N277PD) - Little Haystack Mountain, White Mountains, New Hampshirebr /br /If you dont want to climb a 4,760ft mountain, you might as well just land your helicopter on the peak.
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Robinson R-44 (N277PD)


Little Haystack Mountain, White Mountains, New Hampshire

If you don't want to climb a 4,760ft mountain, you might as well just land your helicopter on the peak.


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Must be the angle with the mountains but the helo looks a good bit longer than any other R44. Did you crop this down from a panorama? Still a beautiful photo. You don't see many Robinson's with inflatables either. Nice!
Roy Hunte
Thats quit a long R44 is that a high altitude model? The blades are longer.
HAKLSPhoto Uploader
It was taken with a 14mm wide-angle lens, but lens correction was applied.
HAKLSPhoto Uploader
Thanks Max!
Beautiful view!
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