89 투표수 (4.86 평균) 및 16,464 조회수  

Cessna Caravan (N401S) - Bakers Bay - Abaco
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Cessna Caravan (N401S)


Bakers Bay - Abaco


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Diana Rose
Beauty Shot!
What a great shot!
John moffitt
Makes me want some R&R ! Nice shot.
Great shot! Wish I was there
Dan Little
Oh my ... wow!
ken kemper

Have to say this pic is the Winner of the Week

Super Job.....
Glen Charles
Now that's what you get when you combine Sexy and Beautiful!!!!! Love the shot!!! Wish I could say I was there living that dream!!!
serge LOTH
Do you know what paradise is??????? ... you've got the answer here..
That is a great shot, Daniel!
Al Bauer
Almost looks like he landed in a swimming pool, beautiful shot.
I just found this image. Great shot, and one that looks so inviting and peaceful. I can only imagine what it would feel like to fly in this aircraft and set down in such aqua colored water in such a beautiful place. It's also sized for a 4K TV-monitor which is great. Thank you (i download the outstanding photos and use them as screensaver).


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