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Antonov Antheus (UR-82060) - First visit to Australia by the mighty Antonov AN-225, on finals for Perth Airport, Western Australia on Sunday, 15th May 2016.
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Antonov Antheus (UR-82060)


First visit to Australia by the mighty Antonov AN-225, on finals for Perth Airport, Western Australia on Sunday, 15th May 2016.


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Bill Christy
I believe this is the Mriya, not an Antheus.
John Fahey
Have never seen an aircraft with dual front landing gear. Amazing. Thanks for posting.
Robert Long
I've seen the same aircraft above my neighborhood making the low, slow turn to final into Houston's Intercontinental (IAH). It is indeed amazing.
Shankar Roy
Never seen an aircraft like this before. Thanks for posting.
Fantastic shot of a fantastic beast..and yes Keith, this is AN225 Mirya..the Antheus was another fantastic Antonov beast, AN22
Alex Kovalev
Супер,тяжело представить как этот "монстр" поднимается в небо... :) !
Kevin Haiduk
I can never get enough Antonov's. Such cool planes!
Art Troutman
Note the aftmost pair of main's! Their axles are higher up. My guess is - to support the aircraft if it over-rotates on rotation - preventing the after under-fuselage from scraping on the runway. This has been a problem with many aircraft designs. Sometimes it is deliberately done during the flight test program of a new model. Some aircraft have a 'rub strip' installed to protect the fuselage. I've even seen a retractable tail wheel installed - to prevent a 'tail dragger'!
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