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RF-33787 — - MAKS 2021.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

RF-33787 —


MAKS 2021.


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Great Picture
ken kemper

Fantastic pic.....my favorite of the week !!
A quick google reveals this piece of Russian hardware is no longer participating in any "special miulitary operation". The wreakage is being sold off to fund the Ukrainian war effort.
Carl Hahn
Really interesting photo because you can see the differential thrust vectoring in action!
Joel DuBois
Please explain “cookies” that you want toSTORE WHERE????
When one of these guys passes you like that I guess that means you're OK, otherwise you would have been toast.
Outstanding shot Andrei!
Andrei ShmatkoPhoto Uploader
Many thanks for positive comments!
Joe Lewis
An outstanding shot!
hal pushpak
Jeez. What a shot!
Colin Seftel
@Andrei, the correct ICAO type code for a Sukoi SU-30 is actually SU27, since both aircraft are code-named "Flanker" by NATO. Same goes for SU-32, -33, -34, -35, -37. If you want your photo to be correctly indexed by Flightaware, you need to change the type code.
Great photo! From the position of all the flight controls and the exhaust nozzles, it looks like they’re moving the Flanker to the left in a “slow -speed” (slats and flaps down slightly) descending direction. Does anyone know if the canards move independently or only together? The starboard one is definitely pointing down.
Great photo! Looking at the position of the flight controls, it looks like they are moving the Flanker to the left (rudders and starboard exhaust nozzle) and nose down (horizontal stabilizers, starboard exhaust and canards) and at “low speed” with the flaps and slats deployed. Do the canards move independently or only together? Anyone know?
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 RF-33787에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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