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Boeing 747-400 (G-CIVK)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Boeing 747-400 (G-CIVK)



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Mark Thomas
Beautiful shot King!
Dave Sheehy
Wow , beautiful photo ,super
renato basso
Incredible shot to the southeast of G-CIVK and Mount Baker. Both ominous.
Peter Singh
What a wonderful sight,the icon.
Love this lady! Great picture, King!
Impressive, very nice picture
Max G
Wonderful Shot! No airplane can replace the beauty of the 747, RIP Joe Sutter.
jim garrity
Just beautiful, what else can you say!
Aidan Sesnic
Does it bother anyone else that one of the landing lights isn't on?
Arron Nimon
Amazing shot!
that is way too good of a picture
Nice with Mt Baker in the background.
noice pic love that plane when I see it in austin!
No airplane is more beautiful at taking off, landing, or just flying than the Boeing 747.
Nice one! I thought Seattle with Mount Rainier behind it was spectacular but clearly this rivals that.
Are you sure that’s in Canada it looks a little bit like Seattle or Portland or Denver, and what mountain is that in the background?
King F HuiPhoto Uploader
This is my home, Vancouver. The mountain in the background is Mt. Baker on the USA side.
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