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Aero Spacelines Super Guppy (N941NA) - NASA941 departing Buckley for Ellington after a overnight stop!
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Aero Spacelines Super Guppy (N941NA)


NASA941 departing Buckley for Ellington after a overnight stop!


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Ronnie B.
For such a huge fuselage, that bird seems to have tiny wingspan in this photograph.
Awesome photo.
About as aerodynamic as a bumble bee. It's amazing what can fly.
Great photo.
Awesome photo....Thanks
David Seider
The original Flying Forehead!
I remember seeing this at Santa Barbara as a kid back in the early 70's... those wings didn't look so tiny from the ground. but then again, the fuse was even larger!
John Piatt
Wow. I used to live on Ellington AFB during the late 1960s, and once had a chance to climb inside both the "GuppY" and the "Super Guppy" while they were on the tarmac. I was just a kid, and I felt like I was inside a whale. Very cool plane.
Une photo fabuleuse !!!!!!!!!
Disculpen mi ignorancia. Pero ¿es un avion que usa helio para volar ? Parece un dirigible. Pero la idea es muy buenaa
Al Bauer
Looks like a flying whale.
I believe the first guppy was a converted Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser,an offspring of the B-29 bomber of WWII. Engines 4360s. They flew commercially through the 1950s.
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