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JA21AA —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

JA21AA —



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a mentor
Mount Fuji-san; located on the island of Honshū, is the highest mountain in Japan, The mountain stands about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Tokyo and is visible from there on clear days.

Very nice photo
Diana Rose
Absolutely Stellar Image! Thank You!
Five stars+
John moffitt
Excellent !
Very nice shot !!
To see the Fuji in this clear and bright way is a big moment - to have a flight next to it on such a day must be an absolute highlight!
ken kemper
5 Plus Stars
5 *****
Satish Kumar
Very nice picture
Adam zeliger
it looks like T53 trainer glider or newer. about 40 glide rate.( metric )
Wow! Spectacular shot. I got a shot in 2019 from the train of Mt Fuji. Its something you don't see that often.
Tom Glass
Great Shot!
Magnificent background!!!
Hiked to the top of Fuji years ago on a day like that - spectacular view looking down. Those glider-guiders will really have a sight! Excellent picture!
Great pic!
Beautiful clarity!
Wish I was there
A very nice background with a fantastic glider. Thanks for sharing .
Don Ridgeway
WOW, beautiful shot
幸雄 大石Photo Uploader
James Wisely
Great photo !
Love the balance of the white snow and the white glider.
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