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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Errol Smart
Brilliant! Good to see two of the most capable aeroplanes ever built sitting side-by-side in an environment they can handle. I spent a lot of my early life watching and riding in DC-3's. They were flying 10 years before I was born and I'm sure some will be flying long after I'm gone. Long live Gooney-birds! Great to see a bit of modern technology extending the useful life of the grand old ladies. Could not display a greater accolade for the original Douglas design team.
Cool Shot Abraham! (Pun Intended)
Rick D
Add a DCH-2 Beaver to the photo and you'd have the trifecta
john cook
Good to see eng.swap on DC3.
Where is that?
ken kemper
Best Pic of the Week

Nice job Abraham
John Muir
I'm with you cookie, where was the picture taken from?
Tomer Ariav
Besides the DC-3, isn't the other plane a Twin Otter?
BJ Hutwagner
I'm guessing...Greenland.
Nakurmiik Abraham! Great picture.

This is Kugaaruk CYBB (formerly known as Pelly Bay) in Nunavut.
Please add data (registration, location, type designator) so these can be found in the photos database.
Alan Hume
Not so much a DC-3, but a Basler BT-67. A turboprop conversion, plus a lot of other good stuff, such as an extension to the body and the wings and complete overhaul of the electronics etc., etc. See https://www.baslerturbo.com/
really nice seeing a DC3 powered by turbines
Where is that?


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