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Boeing 737-200 (N370BC)
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Boeing 737-200 (N370BC)



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Nice. Western Airlines ran these with Second Officer. Checklist reader.
First time I flew in one of those I was over the wing, and when the reverse thrusters opened I thought the engines were flying off the wing! LOL! We still have lots of 200s up here in Canada - due to the gravel kits. These old birds can fly into just about any airport. Great aircraft.
I loved the 737-200's that Untied flied out of here. They were able to fly in so many conditions that the 'rat infested plague scows' can't.

How much did airline corporations need to kill the pilot unions? They put people in shitty little planes that can't fly in weather that the planes they replaced could.

RJ's are really the 'Air Buses' of the American skies. They are, by and large, filthy, cramped, understaffed, under-maintained, flying shit holes. (Tell me how you really feel)

I drive an hour to avoid flying them. And now that the POTUS slashed the minimums for becoming a 'captain' on an RJ, I don't want to end up part of a Colgen Air statistic!
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