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Raytheon Starship (N903SC)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Raytheon Starship (N903SC)



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David Seider
A beautiful example of a beautiful design.
Beech committed an unpardonable sin when the destroyed the tooling for the Starship, IMO.
What a beautiful airship. Where do I schedule a ride?
Awesome image! I think there are only 5 of these left flying.
Jim Lewis
Having flown “the ‘Ship” for 3000 hours, I can also appreciate the beauty of this machine. Thanks for posting...brings back great memories.
Jim Lewis
Hey John...just noticed your name...thanks for doing what you’ve done for the fleet. Bucket list item to fly one once more...appreciate all you’ve done.
Petition to reestablish the project?
C.W. Reed
Agree with Spencey! Don't know if the tooling exists anymore though!
Saw 3 of these beauties at the FBO at KTPA many years ago. Still beautiful!


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