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Boeing 747-200 (92-9000)
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Boeing 747-200 (92-9000)



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Is this Airforce 1?
Leon Kay
Nice photo. How come the USA flag is reversed on this aircraft?
Leon, the reason the flag looks reversed is because it is om the right side of the aircraft. The star field is situated like it is on a flagpole with the flag flying in the wind.
Luc Barbier
Flag reversed ??
This is the flag on the right side of the vertical stabilizer...
Have a look on internet on the left side of the plane... the flag looks on the right way.

Now imagine that the flag is at the top of a mast with the wind coming from the cockpit towards the rear of the plane : both are in the right way!
Alan Hume
Technically a Boeing VC-25A of which there are two, the other one being 28000. It's only designated as Air Force One when the POTUS is on board.
Leon Kay
Apparently it is only Air Force 1 when the aircraft is carrying the USA President.
Wes Foster
The garrison (star portion of the flag) always faces forward. That is why it looks backwards, but it is correct.
Al Di Jorio
Yes, that's one of two the identical aircraft that would receive the call sign 'Airforce One' when the president is onboard.
Our flag is not reversed.
the Stars panel points the way forward on the right side of the aircraft.

What would a Reversed flag look-like?
She is a beaut!
And you would be correct,
Air Force 1--is ONLY when the POTUS is aboard.
Otherwise it goes by its assigned number.

Air Force 2 carries the VP.
Leon Kay,

Good question. Rhe flag is reversed because it is proper to always have the stars at the front. So when the flag is on the right side of a vehicle (aircraft in this case) the stars are forward. As if it is being flown from a staff.
Look on down. The flag on the tail of the RC-13 is also reversed
Mark Henley
Based on when this was posted, my guess is that this would indeed be Air Force 1, with the President departing KDAL after addressing the annual NRA meeting in Dallas.
It was my understanding that, whenever Air Force One with POTUS is on board,is in the air that # 2 is also airborne, so that anyone who would attempt to shoot him down, would not know which plane he is on.
John Manley
@Leon Kay....... I'd suggest you google before making a complete fool of yourself in a well known aviation-oriented public forum.


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