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Boeing RC-135 — - USAF Boeing RC-135
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Boeing RC-135 —


USAF Boeing RC-135


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I'd think that is an RC-135
This should be a USAF RC-135V "Rivet Joint" that started life as a RC-135B Stratotanker, USAF s/n 64-14841, msn 18781. Later converted to an RC-135C with a subsequent conversion to present RC-135V.
Based off the old Boeing 707 airframe.
"Based off the old Boeing 707 airframe"...

No, didn't happen that way!
The KC-135 came ahead of the 707.
Boeing's designation for the KC-135 was their Model 717.
The 707 fuselage is wider and longer and structurally different.
Both types trace to Boeing's "Dash 80" design, however.
Stephen GardenerPhoto Uploader
Thanks guys for the information that was great, So I guess I put in RC-135V. This is what is great about this web site we can all learn more about aircraft. Thanks again.
Stephen GardenerPhoto Uploader
I put in RC-135 and KC-135 but the system did not accept either?
Stephen, you're welcome and thank you for sharing the photo with us!

Try entering "R135" for aircraft type.

That is showing for other Boeing RC-135 aircraft in FA's system.
Stephen GardenerPhoto Uploader
Tank you Cliff.
Stephen GardenerPhoto Uploader
Thanks Cliff is what I meant to spell LOL
Not to worry, I've "tanked" a time or two in my days... :-)

Thanks to you again, Stephen, and you are welcome.


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